How to listen

Select a device to fond out how to start listening

1. Open Podcasts

All iPhones have an app called ‘Podcasts’ pre-installed. Simply look for this app icon on your phone, and give it a tap.

2. Search for a podcast

If you want to look for a particular podcast by its title, click “Search” in the bottom right hand corner of the Podcast app. Type the name of the podcast in the search box. As you type, you’ll be presented with some results. Try searching for any of the Medics Podcast Network shows.

3. Listen and subscribe

When you find a podcast that interests you, click on the artwork and click “Subscribe”. This updates you when new episodes come out and they are automatically added to your listening stream. To begin listening now, tap on the podcast title. To listen later, tap the ‘+’ to download podcasts to your device.

1. Check the website

For all Medics Podcast Network shows, you can listen to episodes directly on each show’s page on the Medics Podcast Network website.

To be notified when new episodes come out, be sure to sign up for the newsletter of each show. You can also follow the Medics Podcast Network on social media for updates.

2. For Mac users

If you use an Apple computer, it comes with iTunes pre-installed. Simply open up iTunes and choose ‘Podcasts’ in the dropdown menu from the top left.

To find new podcasts to listen to, navigate to the ‘Store’ tab in the middle of the page to browse podcasts to listen to and enter the title in the ‘Search’ box. Once you’ve found a new podcast, remember to click ‘Subscribe’. To find podcasts you’ve already subscribed to, select the ‘Library’ tab.

3. For Spotify users

If you use the Spotify app on your computer (or use the Spotify smartphone app), you can also use that to listen to podcasts. Search directly for podcast titles in the app.

1. Download a podcast app

On Android, the first step is to download a podcast app. Open the Google Play Store and search for a Podcast player app. In 2018, Google launched its own Google Podcast app, however it is only designed to work in the United States. Users in other countries will need to find another app to use.

2. Search for a podcast

If you know the name of the podcast you want to hear, simply use the search button and type the title of the podcast in the box. Most apps will automatically show you the best result. Give it a try by searching for one of the Medics Podcast Network shows.

3. Browse the catalogue

If you’re looking for other shows, all podcasting apps provide a place to browse for podcasts. Most of them also show recommendations, display what’s trending, and let you search for topics that interest you.

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How to listen

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