Ep 24 – Final Pay Controls – the stealth pensions tax that no one knows about.
Final Pay Controls. If thats the first time you’ve heard those words then this episode is for you. Now, if you’ve listened to our previous episodes on Pensions tax you know about the problems about Annual Allowance and punitive pensions taxation for …
Ep 23- Should trainees have to sell their car to pay for exams? How can we make training as a doctor cheaper?
Mr Usman Ahmed is an Orthopaedics consultant who was told to sell his car to fund his training.
Instead, Usman transformed his finances and now helps trainees to do the same using his innovative virtual learning environment. Not only does this provid…
Ep 22 Christmas quiz answers
The answers to last weeks Christmas quiz to test your financial knowledge.
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Ep – 21 Christmas Quiz – test your financial knowledge
A Christmas quiz to test your financial knowledge.
Also lockdown surfing.
The worst Xmas On-call rota ever and more tax trivia.
Want to stay up to date with the latest financial information for doctors?
Join 21,000 doctors receiving free financial CP…
Ep – 20 HOW MUCH!!££££ do Australian doctors get paid. Whats life like down under for doctors?
How much do doctors in Australia get paid?
What’s it like for a UK trained doctor working down under?
How hard do Australian doctors work?
Whats the tax, cost of living and pension like in Australia.
What are the downsides to working in Australia.
Ep 19- Do doctors pay tax on Cremation form income? Are medical exams harder than accountancy exams?
Do doctors need to pay tax on Cremation form income?
We also discuss whether accountancy exams are harder than medical school exams?
Eds now legendary tax trivia segment explains why the phrase “burning the candle at both ends” actually originates fr…
Ep 18 – How much do GPs get paid and why should you care?
How much do GPs get paid?
Whats more expensive, an annual Netflix subscription or a year of unlimited care from your GP?
What happens if a GP surgery gets into debt like most hospital trusts?
With GPs providing > 90% of care in the NHS its vital to …
Ep 17 – So you want to start a side hustle?
Dr Hussain Gandhi is a doctor with a very interesting and useful side hustle. In this episode he gives us some tips for starting a side hustle, some great productivity hacks and the future of online conferences.
We also find out why Dr Gandalf is th…
Ep 16 – Earn while you sleep? Investing for doctors
Unless you want to earn every penny of your wealth working at the coalface until you reach retirement, you need an alternative income and investing could be it. Thanks to compound interest – the earlier you start investing the better. In this episode…
Ep 15 – LTFT Cardiology Consultant, claiming tax rebates, using twitter, writing books and riding bikes.
On todays episode Dr David Warriner tells us about a common tax rebate pitfall and how to avoid it. We also talk about working LTFT as a Cardiology Consultant, using Twitter to enhance your career (didn’t mention donuts). Also writing books and ridin…