Ep 87 Family finances How to teach your kids about money with Will Rainey

How can you teach your kids(and yourself) about money? How is growing fruit trees a metaphor for building wealth? Read Wills book here https://amzn.to/3KHs8U7   Contact Will here   https://www.bluetreesavings.com   Twitter @bluetreesavigs   Facebook:...

Ep 87 Family finances How to teach your kids about money with Will Rainey

How can you teach your kids(and yourself) about money?

How is growing fruit trees a metaphor for building wealth?

Read Wills book here

Contact Will here
Twitter @bluetreesavigs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueTreeSavings
Instagram: grandpas_fortune_fables

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Ep 87 Family finances How to teach your kids about money with Will Rainey

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